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πŸ”” πŸ’¬ Anna's two pence worth (#12): Plan a fresh start for your finances

Author: Anna Bowes
10th December 2018
Anna Bowes is a regular contributor to the BBC’s Money Box, Breakfast and News programs, as well as the national press, providing expert analysis and commentary on the UK savings market. Anna has worked in the financial services industry for more than 20 years and for most of that time has been helping people to make the most of their savings.

What will 2019 hold? There’s no denying it’s going to be a big year, with the outcome of Brexit the constant topic of conversation. So, this week it’s all about planning for 2019. What will the New Year hold for us all?

First up, our trusted partner, moneycorp, has whipped up another insightful article looking at the effects that Brexit and the recent comments from the Governor of the Bank of England, among other economic factors, are having on the pound. In the second of their new regular Economic Overview articles they’ve explained what the outlook is today, which may make you think if you’re considering any big money transfers in the new year.

πŸ”– Read: Economic Overview from moneycorp

Another year and another raft of well-deserved winners in our annual Savings Awards. Now in its sixth year, we’ve added some fantastic new categories to the growing list, which should highlight those providers that have supported savers over the past year and help when choosing where to put your money in 2019. Check out the list of winners and runners up here – is your provider a winner?

πŸ”– Read: Big winners at our annual Savings Awards

For those who are thinking of possibly releasing equity from their home in 2019, another of our partners, Responsible Equity Release, runs through what this means and what options might be available to you.

πŸ”– Read: A fresh start for your finances

For savers there’s been a flurry of activity in the easy access market, mainly driven by newcomer Marcus by Goldman Sachs, which is having a really positive effect on the market. More providers are coming forward to match the rate offered and others are upping their rates to competitive levels - even if it’s not matching the top rate.

But are all easy access accounts the same? - just how easy is it to access your cash?

πŸ”– Read: Rate war continues in easy access market but are all easy access accounts equal?

We read with interest some great articles in the Financial Times last week, which explored what people are looking for in a financial adviser and the advice they receive.

If you haven’t seen it and are considering looking for or reviewing your financial adviser, it’s worth a read but what struck us are the key areas that people want, summarised as the 'Three T's'; Trust, Transparent fees and Tailored advice. No two people are the same, so why would the advice they receive be the same?

Equally, how can your adviser be truly independent if they are only being paid if you invest money? It has to be tailored advice and it has to be clear that you’re paying for the advice you receive, not the products you buy. If you need help planning your financial future in the New Year, see if we can help point you in the right direction.

And finally, along with our regular Rates Rundown, you may have noticed a change at the Bank of Cyprus UK, they have had a rebrand. Welcome to the market Cynergy Bank.

πŸ”– Read: Bank of Cyprus UK becomes Cynergy Bank...

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