While it wasn’t announced in the Budget last month, National Savings and Investments (NS&I) has pulled a rabbit out of the bag this week by re-launching its Guaranteed Income and Guaranteed Growth Bonds, which were last on general sale eight years ago.
Loyal savers who have stuck with their high street banks are missing out on as much as 25 times more in interest compared with the best deals on the market.
As Christmas preparation begins in earnest and both savers and providers start to turn their attention elsewhere, it is perhaps little surprise to see a fairly quiet week in terms of new best buys. However, as is often the case, there are exceptions to the general trend and perhaps the biggest news of the week came from NS&I.
Our Awards recognise savings providers that have consistently offered best buy rates, provided excellent customer service and promoted competition in the savings market over the last 12 months.
Following last month’s base rate increase, as expected, the majority of changes from providers took place yesterday. While there have certainly been plenty of changes to existing accounts, not all accounts that are available to open have seen the changes we were hoping for.