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28th November 2014
Author: Dan Darragh

Category: Savings News

Amid the continuing doom and gloom of accounts being withdrawn and replaced with lower paying versions or simply disappearing from the market, there have been a few small rays of light......
28th November 2014
Author: Anna Bowes

Category: Savings News

During a time when it is hard to get motivated about savings, our Concierge Service has received a lot of media coverage recently with mentions in the Saturday Telegraph, Mail on Sunday and This is Money website......
28th November 2014
Author: Anna Bowes

Category: Savings News

The state of the global economy left the financial markets feeling rather glum last week and as far as the UK is concerned this was as a result of the prospect of deflation in the Eurozone.....
28th November 2014
Author: Anna Bowes

Category: Savings News

As the number of so called legacy savings accounts has grown over the years, more and more providers have implemented a simplification of their range, in many cases cutting the number of accounts by more than half. However, not all savers will be pleased.......
21st November 2014
Author: Anna Bowes

Category: Savings News

Today marks the 3rd year anniversary of the launch of In those 3 years the savings market has changed dramatically.
20th November 2014
Author: Anna Bowes

Category: Savings News

Following the Bank of England’s Quarterly Inflation Report there seems to be some optimism about the prospect of GDP growth over the next four years.