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14th November 2014
Author: Dan Darragh

Category: Savings News

Whilst on the whole, providers are still reducing the rates on offer, particularly amongst Fixed Rate Bonds, there have been a few interesting new launches that we will concentrate on......
14th November 2014
Author: Anna Bowes

Category: Savings News

You should have started to notice a drop in petrol prices, which is a reflection of what is currently happening in the oil market......
14th November 2014
Author: Anna Bowes

Category: Savings News

Some long awaited positive news has arrived in the form of an uptick in the best buy rates on easy access accounts over the last few weeks.....
06th November 2014
Author: Anna Bowes

Category: Savings News

Quantitative Easing (QE) is the major talking point across the globe, but for different reasons.....
31st October 2014
Author: Dan Darragh

Category: Savings News

If there was any question that savers are desperate for decent returns the recent spate of best buy accounts lasting a matter of days is one indication.....
31st October 2014
Author: Dan Darragh

Category: Savings News

Most of the rates news in recent weeks has revolved around product withdrawals and lower rates being offered by providers. There have been a few examples of providers going against this trend....