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31st October 2014
Author: Anna Bowes

Category: Savings News

The third quarter UK GDP figures were released last week and at 0.7% some might argue that this represents an achievement given that this follows an increase of 0.9% in the previous quarter.....
31st October 2014
Author: Anna Bowes

Category: Savings News

We’ve been receiving a lot of calls in recent weeks from savers interested in the up and coming NS&I 65 plus bonds dubbed ‘Pensioner Bonds’ by the press.....
29th October 2014
Author: Dan Darragh

Category: Savings News

To mark the launch of our new Moneyline service, a free telephone based advice team, we’re launching a £50 challenge to all UK savers.....
22nd October 2014
Author: Anna Bowes

Category: Savings News

It seems to be accepted wisdom that the Bank of England base rate won’t go up until sometime in 2015 despite the fact that there appeared to be some improvement in the UK economy...
16th October 2014
Author: Dan Darragh

Category: Savings News

Much of the news recently has revolved around account withdrawals as providers replaced their top rates with lower paying issues. But this week started with some positive news......
16th October 2014
Author: Anna Bowes

Category: Savings News

Making sense of what is happening to the economy can be difficult therefore we try and highlight certain events that take place each week, which might give you more insight......