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16th October 2014
Author: Anna Bowes

Category: Savings News

This week saw inflation continue its downward spiral with CPI falIing to 1.20% for September, down from 1.50% in August, driven mainly by a reduction in energy and food prices. Good news for savers.....
07th October 2014
Author: Dan Darragh

Category: Savings News

The Bank of England has released a proposal paper to help better protect savers and smooth concerns in the savings market.Among the four proposals are details to increase depositor’s protection from £85,000 up to £1million but only for temporary savings.....
27th June 2014
Author: Dan Darragh

Category: Savings News

Savings rates have been on a downward spiral for years, not least since the Bank of England base rate hit 0.50% over 5 years ago, but also following the introduction of the Funding for Lending scheme in 2012. The continual drop in best buy rates painted a bleak picture and it seemed never-ending.But are things improving?
27th June 2014
Author: Anna Bowes

Category: Savings News

The Budget brought with it some positive news for savers, not least the increase to the total ISA allowance from £11,880 to £15,000 from 1st July 2014, but better still allowing savers to invest the total amount into cash....
27th June 2014
Author: Anna Bowes

Category: Savings News

THE RISE OF THE PSEUDO SAVINGS ACCOUNTSavings rates have never been lower, which has left many savers desperately searching for decent returns on their cash....
27th June 2014
Author: Anna Bowes

Category: Savings News

There has been a smattering of improved variable rate deals since our last newsletter, which is a welcome but all too rare sight in the savings market at the moment.....